Results Disclaimer Every effort has been made to accurately represent all products and services on this site. There is no guarantee that you will get specific results by following the ideas in these materials. Examples, Case Studies, Success Stories, Testimonials in these materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee.
Your level of success in attaining the results claimed in the materials depends on several factors, such as your background, motivation, commitment, actions, willingness and exactly following the recommendations, and hard work of the people involved. Since these factors differ according to individuals and companies, we cannot guarantee your success, nor we are responsible for any of your actions. Results may vary. Comments PolicyHere is COREM’s comments policy. By commenting on our blog, you agree to the following: You will NOT post anonymously. You can log-in via Facebook, Twitter, Google+, or Disqus. It’s up to you. If you choose to comment anonymously it is likely that we will delete your comment, so please keep the conversation public and friendly whenever possible. We reserve the right to delete your comments. We do not have an obligation to publish your comments. Specifically, we will remove the comments that are (a) rude; (b) irrelevant; (c) defamatory, abusive, harassing, threatening, profane, pornographic, offensive, false, misleading, or which otherwise violates or encourages others to violate sense of decorum and civility or any law, including intellectual property laws; or (d) “spam,” i.e., an attempt to advertise, solicit, or otherwise promote goods and services. You may, however, post a link to your site or your most recent blog post. Ownership of your comments is with you not us. We do not own them and expressly disclaim any and all liability that may result from them. By commenting on COREM, you agree that you retain all ownership rights in what you post here and that you will relieve COREM from any and all liability that may result fro those postings. You grant COREM your permission to post your comments. This license is worldwide, irrevocable, non-exclusive, and royalty-free. You grant us the right to store, use, transmit, display, publish, reproduce, and distribute your comments in any format, including but not limited to a blog, in a book, a video, or presentation. Affiliate DisclaimerSome of the links on the site are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the product or service, we may receive a commission. It is our practice to only recommend products and services that we believe will add value to the lives of others. We only endorse specific brands, products, and services when we honestly like them after thorough evaluation, and believe that these products will benefit you too. But we can not take any guarantee or ownership regarding the results, claims made by them and also post-sales support. We do not claim to be an unbiased neutral source of anything. We highly recommend something in which we personally believe in. Questions About Corem Sales Consulting Policies & PracticesIf you have any questions about our Practices or this Policy, please feel free to communicate with us. You can mail us: